The Pin Point News

Environment Ministry Seals Off Property For Unhygienic Reasons In Ekiti

A team of Environmental Health Officers, during a routine sanitary inspection, discovered a leaking soak-away pit contaminating the well and neighbouring property posing a health risk to the residents and people in the environs 

The leader of the team, Sanitarian Aluko Ayodele, said they discovered that the soak-away was leaking into the well and the neighbouring property, causing significant health problems for the people in the area 

“The inspection revealed a direct connection between the defective soak-away and the property’s only well. This connection, coupled with the presence of fecal matter visible inside the well, presented a dire health hazard,” Aluko explained.

He noted that the distance between the, soak-away, well and a borehole on the property was found to be less than three feet, far below the recommended safety standards.

Given the severity of these issues, the Environmental Health Officers team immediately ordered the closure of the premises.

“The health and safety of Ekiti residents is our top priority. The closure of this property is necessary to prevent a potential outbreak of Cholera and other related waterborne diseases” Aluko added.

This incident serves as a stark reminder for property owners, including those who employ caretakers, to ensure their properties adhere to proper sanitation standards. Regular inspections and maintenance of soak-aways, wells, and boreholes are crucial to protect public health.

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